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- E-Book Anestesi
Posted by : Pendidikan dan Profesi BEM FK UNISSULA
Sabtu, 07 Maret 2015
Berikut ini adalah kumpulan E-Book kedokteran anestesi. Mangga di download gan!
1. Practical Regional Anesthesia For Outpatients
2. Introduction To Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia: SeeingIs Believing
3. Anesthesiology Clinics
4. Practice of Anesthesia in Infant and Children
5. Anaesthesia Intensive Care and Pain in Neonates and Children
6. Anesthesia Emergencies
7. Anesthesi for Cardiac Surgery Third Edition
8. Anesthesia for Congenital Heart Disease
9. Anesthesia for The High Risk Patient
10. Anesthesia Informatics 1st edition
11. Anesthesia Student Survival Guide
12. Anesthesia Toronto Notes
13. Anesthesiology
14. Basics Anesthesia Intensive
15. Clinical Ambulatory Anesthesia
16. Clinical Anesthesia Near Misse
17. Clinical Cases in Anesthesia
18. Complication of Regional Anesthesia
19. Drug Used in Anesthesia
20. Essential Anesteshia
21. Handbook of Regional Anesthesia-ESRA 2007
22. Handbook of Local Anesthesia 4th Edition
23. Malviya S-Sedation & Analgesia for Diagnostic & Therapeutic Procedures
24. Neural Mechanisms of Anesthesia
25. Pocket Clinician Obstetric Anesthesia
26. Pain Medicine, The Requisites in Anesthesiology
25. Pocket Anesthesia
27. Trauma Anesthesia
thank you very much for your share to us. may God bless you for your knowledge
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