Departemen Pendidikan dan Profesi adalah departemen yang bertanggung jawab atas semua kegiatan KM FK UNISSULA yang bersifat keilmuan, pendidikan dan keprofesian sebagai persiapan mahasiswa kedokteran sebelum menjadi seorang dokter. Hal ini meliputi pemberian informasi, pengelolaan kegiatan, peningkatan minat dan partisipasi mahasiswa mengenai bidang keilmuan. |
Archive for Maret 2015
E-Book Embriologi
Berikut ini merupakan E-Book Embriologi kedokteran. Silakan didownload.
2. Embryo_and_Fetal_Pathology_Color_Atlas_With_Ultrasound_Correlation
3. Langmans Medical Embryology 12th ed. - T. Sadler (Lippincott, 2012) BBS
E-Book Cedera Olahraga
Berikut ini E-Book cedera olahraga, silakan download ...
1. Essential Sports Medicine
2. Manual Medicine Principles
3. Sports Injuries
4. Textbook of Sports Medicine
E-Book Gastroenterologi dan Hepatologi
Silakan mendownload E-Book Gastroenterologi dan Hepatologi.
1. Sherlock's Diseases of the Liver and Biliary System, 12th Edition
2. Textbook Of Clinical Gastroenterology Hepatology
3. Zakim and Boyers Hepatology
4. ABC .. Of Liver,Pancreas and Gall.Bladder
5. Diseases of the Liver and Biliary System
6. HepatologyPrinciples And Practice, 2nd Edition
7. Hepatology 2010 2nd Edition
8. Gastroenterology - An Illustrated Colour Text
9. Mayo Clinic Gastroenterology
E-Book Biokimia
Berikut ini E-Book biokimia kedokteran, silakan mengunduh ...
1. Medical Biochemistry, Fourth Edition
2. Biochemistry.Lippincott's.Illustrated.Reviews.Series.5th.Ed
3. Biochemistry 5th Edition
4. Chemical Calculations At a Glance - P. Yates (Blackwell, 2005) WW
5. Color Atlas Of Biochemistry Ed. 2nd
6. Harper - Illustrated Biochemistry 26th Ed, 2003
E-Book Bedah
Berikut ini merupakan E-Book bedah kedokteran, silakan mengunduh :)
1. Schwartz's Principles of Surgery 9th Edition
2. Essentials.of.Clinical.Surgery.2nd.Ed
3. Surgical Critical Care, 2nd ed (Taylor & Francis 2005)
4. Surgery At a Glance 2nd Edition
5. Textbook.of.Surgery.3rd.Ed
6. WHO - Surgical Care at the District Hospital (WHO 2003)
E-Book Anatomi
Berikut ini merupakan e-book anatomi kedokteran, silakan diunduh ^_^
1. Clinical Anatomy by Systems, Richard S. Snell - CD
2. Anatomy at a Glance
3. Atlas of Human Skeletal Anatomy
4. Color Atlas of Anatomy A Photographic Study of the Human Body
5. Rohen and Yokochi - Color Atlas of Anatomy Fourth Edition
E-Book Anestesi
Berikut ini adalah kumpulan E-Book kedokteran anestesi. Mangga di download gan!
1. Practical Regional Anesthesia For Outpatients
2. Introduction To Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia: SeeingIs Believing
3. Anesthesiology Clinics
4. Practice of Anesthesia in Infant and Children
5. Anaesthesia Intensive Care and Pain in Neonates and Children
6. Anesthesia Emergencies
7. Anesthesi for Cardiac Surgery Third Edition
8. Anesthesia for Congenital Heart Disease
9. Anesthesia for The High Risk Patient
10. Anesthesia Informatics 1st edition
11. Anesthesia Student Survival Guide
12. Anesthesia Toronto Notes
13. Anesthesiology
14. Basics Anesthesia Intensive
15. Clinical Ambulatory Anesthesia
16. Clinical Anesthesia Near Misse
17. Clinical Cases in Anesthesia
18. Complication of Regional Anesthesia
19. Drug Used in Anesthesia
20. Essential Anesteshia
21. Handbook of Regional Anesthesia-ESRA 2007
22. Handbook of Local Anesthesia 4th Edition
23. Malviya S-Sedation & Analgesia for Diagnostic & Therapeutic Procedures
24. Neural Mechanisms of Anesthesia
25. Pocket Clinician Obstetric Anesthesia
26. Pain Medicine, The Requisites in Anesthesiology
25. Pocket Anesthesia
27. Trauma Anesthesia
Coming Soon IMO 2015 Makassar
1st Indonesian International Medical Olympiad (IMO) 2015 is an annual competition for preclinical medical students that will be held in Hasanuddin University, South Sulawesi. This event is concepted by Indonesian Medical Student Executive Boards' Association (ISMKI) and Medical Faculty of Hasanuddin University. This year, for the first time, we will invite undergraduate medical students from abroad to compete with Indonesian medical student in Hasanuddin University. Six medical system will be contested at this event, cardiorespirology, Gastroenterology, Neuropsychiatric, Musculoskeletal, Urology and Reproductive Medicine, and the internationally competed, Tropical Medicine. Besides the Olympics, IMO 2015 also offers Province Tour, Social Act, and International Medical Scientific Seminar. This olympiad will test medical knowledge not only theoretically, but also practically like identifying microscope slide and case analysis presentation in the process.
Before now, International Indonesian Medical Olympiad was named as Indonesian Medical Olympiad. This olympiad has been held three times before now, in Airlangga University, Brawijaya University and Andalas University.
See you in Makassar! Join IMO 2015 with fun!
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Topada Laoki Ri Kota Daeng
Accueriki IMO 2015
Tiwi Lisu Pa’bere Sibawa Ati Marennu
Facebook: IMO 2015
Twitter: @IMO2015_MedUH